MRO Services
Healthy e Solutions (HeS), Inc. provides MRO (Medical Review Officer) services at no additional cost for all DOT drug screen results. We also offer MRO services for all Non-DOT screening at no additional cost to our clients. “MRO Services” are available to non-clients at a competitive rate. Please contact HeS for more information.
Medical Review Officer
The Medical Review Officer’s responsibility is to ensure the integrity of the drug test result. Although we offer (and recommend) MRO services for both federal and non-federal test results, review of the federal results is required by law.
Medical Review Reporting Procedures
- The MRO and/or MRO staff contacts the donor of the questionable result to verify any medical explanation. If HeS is unable to contact the donor within a reasonable time period at the home phone number provided, we will contact the DER for assistance.
- Daily calls are made until verification is complete.
- If there is a medical explanation, the donor is required to provide to the MRO and/or the MRO staff in writing, from his or her physician or pharmacy, his or her medical explanation within five days.
- If no medical explanation is provided, the MRO and/or MRO staff verifies receipt of the Chain of Custody copies 1 and 2 for accuracy and reports the result as a verified positive to the DER.
- DOT requires a 10 day no-contact time frame before verifying a positive result to the DER. However, if the DER has documented that the donor has been given contact information for the MRO and has failed to comply with the request of the DER to contact the MRO within 72 hours, at that time, the MRO can report the result as a no-contact to the DER.